About :
INTERNET is a network (or) cable that connects all computers and forms a NETWORK is called Internet.
In 1950-60 time computer is very large in size it also not do multitasks at a time compared to present days,it is very difficult to manage and also spent many time to it.At this time 1969 a small network was created that is ARPANET(ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY NETWORK) by this network UCLA computer is connected with STANDFORD computer first time and sends a first message ''LOG IN'' this is the first message in the world that sends to one to other computer but unfortunately only two letters ''LO'' was successfully sent,that is the revolution of internet started.In 1971 TOMLINSON sents first EMAIL(@) with the help of ARPANET network in the same year TCP/IP ip address are invented.This is very helpful and easy to comunicate one divices to other,In 1980 Telephone cables are used as mediator for internet but it not worked when phone and internet at a time is using,after this time so many evolutions are happend in internet.In 1991 TIMBERNERS LEE invented WORLD WIDE WEB(WWW).this is the history of the INTERNET.
Internet is nothing but a wire connected one device to another ,the money we paid for internet is only cables cost and maintanence charges only,for internet all computers in the world are connected and forms a network.
How internet works.....?
We are all know that internet is not works on SATLLITE OR CLOUD SERVICE .Internet is only works on cables only all over WORLD ARE CONNECTED WITH CABLES,All 99% of internet is Connected with cables other is for secure websites and GPS navigation.CABLES is nothing but called as OPTICAL FIBRE CABLES or SUBMARINE CABLES it is connected one country to another country  with OPTICAL fibre cables in seas and oceans.for seeing cables virtually visit Click here.... .Optical fibres are madeup of glass or plastic and size is hundred times less than hair,all our information transfers through it.At this time you are reading this post is travels in this cables.All optical fibre cables are connected to Network towers,phone calls for one country to other country is also travels through it.
For all devices has a unique IP(INTERNET PROTOCAL ADDRESS)address,this plays important role in transforming data ex:if you searched for a flower photo in your mobile a request is sent to the servers with your ip address and server sends information to the same ip address without any error.IP address acts like address of home like letter posting.Data is not transformed at a time,it sends like small packages and rearrange like original.this information transfer with light speed in optical fibre.For here we know how internet works?, what is the mediator for transfering data?,How much cost we spent for Internet & for which we pay money for internet etc......
Another main thing is internet comes to us by crossing three companies those are TERE 1,TERE 2,TERE 3.First Tere 1 company maintains own cables,own data transmission etc..
TERE 1 :
Tere 1 company is nothing but example RELIANCE JIO etc.. those companies are already arranged cables arranged under Seas Oceans etc....  in India there are six main ponits in india are located,by only this points all over india data transmits and comes only through this points for see this points see this website there you know all Optical fiber cables under oceans etc.. The capacity of this cables per second is in TereBites (TB) this is more than enough for data transmission.If any cable was unfortunately broken or not working properly additional cables are already placed and used by time.Tere 1 companies use this cables by own example JIO Network.
TERE 2 :
Other companies are sell data transmission in GB'S (gigabites) and sell to us by the name of recharge offers example for this is AIRTEL,IDEA,BSNL etc....
Both Tere 2 & Tere 3 are combined and established a company that is NIXI.This company shows all websites traffic&incoming or outgoing points are shown in this points.This company has a website  in this website you see all website trafic and submarine cables inputs and outputs traffic details ae shown here... Only more than 70% of traffic are travels through this cables and another traffic are travels through this.
Finally Internet is totally free but we pay money is only for Cable cost & Maintance,this is all about internet.
Thank you.....
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