How a speaker works ?
Speaker is a electronic device that makes sounds by taking ELECTRIC WAVE SIGNALS as input and gives huge sounds by it's strength.Sound is produced by the principle of VIBRATING BODY PRODUCES SOUND.
Parts :
6.TRAY BODY........
Working :
Copper coil has two ends starting and ending of copper coil get power supply at two ends it acts like a magnet because if a copper wire is rotates like a coil and supplies dc power to two ends,it acts like a magnet because of SOLINOID EFFECT principle.And another magnet is placed automatically on frame of speaker.we know that if two magnets placed one infront of another with north&north pole,it repells or if it like north and south pole it attracts.Using this Magnet is placed permanently without moving at frame,only copper coil is moves by electric waves with positive and negative charges alternatively.Then by alternative charges it gets VIBRATES and produce SOUND,we know that VIBRATING BODY PRODUCES SOUND.
This is not enough for giving clear SOUND.For clear cut sound we attach a SPIDER on the copper coil at a side,then also CONE paper also on the spider for clear vibrations,hence we got cristal clear SOUND QUALITY.And also a dust cap(round cap) inside cone paper for reducing dust.
So,this how a sound speaker works,but the working of a speaker also another component is used that is AMPLIFIER.
AMPLIFIER works with transistor it takes less wavelength waves input and amplifies and gives large wavelength to the speaker.Amplifier works with transistor,transistor is a device it takes small input and gives more output.
Another one is Audio from mobile has three wires or modules one is left speaker,second is right speaker third is ground or negative signal for both left and right speaker,it is only from direct audio input.
For a MIC audio speaker audio waves is converted into negative and positive waves by mic.these are given to the amplifier as input,and output is taken with high wavelength amplitude is gien to speaker with two ends the the speaker turns mic to Loud speaker this is every thing about sound speaker.
Please also read Amplifier working for best understanding,this is already posted visit us.
For more about transistor amplifier..click here for amplifier.
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