About :-Submarine is a mechanical water diving meachine,it is used mostly by the navy and other border seas security purpose.The structure of submarine is same like fish and some also based on fish.
History :-
the first submarine works by using fuel as diesel but it is difficult because,for combusting diesel we want oxygen is not avaible at the bottom of the sea. So it always come above to sea level so it works only 15-30 mins per dive.
In present days we use nuclear reactor in place of diesel.Nuclear reactor takes less oxygen and it helps to stay under water upto 30 days or more.
Working :-
The working principal of submarine is very simple with simple logic.The submarine works on many principles mainly.
1.For diving under water ballast tank is helps,by filling water into ballast tank.Submarine has ballast tant on like a layer to original outer is filled with water it goes under water it is based on filling water into it.
If we remove water in ballast tank and filled with air it floats on water like a ship.
2.For moving under and upon water submarine has a propeller to move forward and backward by the help of motor.
3. To taking directions submarine uses rudder at the top of the submarine.this is same like fish swimming.
4.For knowing location of submarine mostly uses GPS Navigation system but it only works upto 5meters on sealevel. Then they use Self Guidance System by tropic of capricon & tropic of cancer.
5.For knowing enemy ships upon water it has a periscope to see through.but under the water submarine has use to types they are SONAR & RADAR sonar works by releasing sonic waves into water and capturing reflectig waves.Radar is nothing but submarine sound by capturing echo.these to are used to locating enemies.
These five are working principles.
The submarine is made up of hard titanium because the preaaure is very high we go deep into the submarine.
For attacking ememy under water they use torpidos nothing but missles,torpidos are arranged front and back side of submarine.And also torpidoes has a small propeller for attacking under the water and collapse the enemyes subamarine or ship.
Conclusion: submarine works on those above steps,i clearly wrote you every step,i try my best to best reference.If any mistake plase iggnore and comment that mistake.
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