DRONE is a device that fly in sky.All "quadcopter,tricopter,dicopter,pentacopter,hexacopter" these are all called as drone.Maximum all drones has a camera on it.Drones are mainly used to make pictures at the sky,farming like seeding etc..,kids playing,in those days used for delevary food...,and also humans fly in sky with huge drones.Those all copters works on same principle.
In drones brushless motora are used because brushless motor has torque.In drone clockwise and anti-clockwise propellers are used.
Let us know about each...
1.For fly into sky drone propellers has a curve with clockwise and anti-clockwise curve.Because of curve bottom of the wing get highly pressured and get lift to air this is because of Newton's third law "Every action there is equal opposite reaction,using this drone lift up "and another thing is if all propeller moves only clockwise it gets revloution because of movement of inertia. and also turns over it same like earth.To overcome this revolution,two propellers at the corner moves clockwise and another two corner propellers turns anti-clockwise.This logic helps to reduce revolution and cancels movement of inertia.
2.To take turns or directions,let us learn 4 propeller balde drone.If the drone take right turn "left propellers rotates slowly than the right propellers rotates faster.or if the drone wants to move right the right propellers rotates right than left propellers.
3.If the propeller moves to forward direction front propellers rotates faster than the back.If the propeller moves to backward the back propellers rotates faster than the front.
4.If the propeller want to bend to one direction for taking picture purpose that side propeller only rotates slow,then it bends.Same like all directions.
5.If it wants to stable at the sky,all propellers rotates with same speed without high or low speed.Than the gravitational force.