9.Wires or Connectors
12.IR Transmitter&Receiver
I already discussed about transistor detailed upto A-Z just simply explains that if you want clearly about that see this link➡ https://tecknowk.blogspot.com/2020/10/transistor-working-and-amplifier.html
simply transistor was so many types mainly BJT(BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR) used for all purpose.In BJT there are type subtypes those are NPN & PNP.If pentavelent impurities are added to pure form of semiconductors p type semiconductor is formed.If trivalent impurities are added to pure form of semiconductors N type semiconductor is formed Ptype,N type&Ptype semiconductor joined together depletion layer is formed.Transistor means transfer+resistor is called transistor nothing but transfer current and stops current same as switch so transisitor is also called switch.And also transistor is also used in the Amplifier nothing but amplifying for speakers and also the main thing the transistor used in the main purpose is maiking IC's chips for processors,the performance of the Processer is depend on the count of transistor used in the chip.if you want more or working of transisitor please also check our another article link given below ➡https://tecknowk.blogspot.com/2020/10/transistor-working-and-amplifier.html/ .
Resisitor is main thing in electronics,the main key role was resisitor plays that is lowering the power supply and make voltage lighter and prevents the xamage to the all electronics in the motherboard if there is no resisitor all the components in the motherboard we have so many types of resistors and we measure the resistance of a resistors is in ohms and kiloohms K in the method of colour coding,if you observe a resistor that has some colour rings by this colour of rings ohms of resistor calculated like this,if you observe most of the resisitors has four rings first and second ring is Significance and third one is Multiplier and fourth one is Tollerence(silver,gold,nocolour...) if you want colour coding more about clearly please check my another aricle explained breifly....
Capacitor is a device which stores electricity in large quantity and supplies in large quantity,we use capacitor at many connections it is also a important thing in the electronics,there are so man=types of capacitors some of them is
a.cylindrical capacitor
b.parallel plate capacitor
c.ciramic capacitor
these capacitors are calculated in farads or the units of capacitor is farads and cylindrical capacitor¶llel plate capacitor is mostly used at so many places for all type of connections and ciramic capacitors are only used for wireless communications like jammers etc.... and also capacitors are also measured in volts and this is all about capacitors finally capacitor is so efficient in electronics.
Transistor is nothing but two diodes joined together at a junction,diodes are also a semiconductors with p-type and N-type impurities,semiconductors means it is a conducter and insulator by the condition it is mainly used in making chargers or adapters because diodes are converts AC current DC so adapter are mainly made from diodes and a transformer,if you observe diodes clearly that diodes are in black colour and has a small mark in one side with ash colour this is the negative terminal of the diode so you find where the postive and negative.The characteristics of diode and transisitor is same this is all about diode.
IC is a small chip that includes all main electronics like transisitor and resistor capacitor etc.. in it with internal soldering some group of IC's is called Processer.IC is the brain of the circuit it judges the work in a circuits,IC's has so many connectors pins one is ground and one is pase and others depends on the circuit type,and also main thing is IC is black in colour and with some pins.The first ic is made by INTEL4007 ic with 400transistor with little power there by IC's growth is done .
Relay is also a one type of switch that allows current when some voltage applied to it.Relay works on the principle of the of the current flowing through a coil generates mangetic field around throigh it,by this when some current is applied to the end of the relay it has copper turns coil it acts like a magnet and attracts throw or connector and make a circuit complete and current flows through it.There are 4 types of relays those are..
a.single pole single through(it has one single input and output acts like a normal switch).
b.double pole single through(it acts like a two switches with one pole performs single on or off at a time).
c.single pole double through(it acts simultaneously two outputs with only one input or function).
d.double pole double through(it is nothing but two switces combined together and seems to be one switch).
LED is a brilliant technology that consumes less power Comapre to all other electric bulbs,and easy to connect for absolute begginers and also the thing is very cheap and easily available.It is a one type of diode that works on the light emitts when electric power is supplied to it by this technology all this type of current led are works.andain purpose to use in decorations and mini lighting and smartphones screens are because of the size of the led's these are very small in size.
SWITCH or key is used to flow or stop electricity by the use of some moving parts and also transistor is also acts like a switch but transistor works on the binary codes that is 0's and 1's,and no any moving parts but rather than switch has some moving parts to operate electricity.mostly switches are connect only poative terminal and negative terminal connects automatically to appliances.switches are used to safety purpose and current saving purposes.
TRANSFORMER is a device that transforms AC-DC OR DC-AC and also transverse energy to long dustances without lossing energy.Transformer is works on the principle of Mutual Inductance it consists a soft Iron Core Laminated sheets fixed one upon another by this two solinoid copper wires are wounded one turn is Input turns are small and Output turns are large.Transformer has two coils Primary coil and Secondary coil we connect primary coil to input then take output as secondary coil there by current induced and large quantity of current is given as outputs.we also use transformer in mobile charges and adapters that only helps to converts ac to dc this is all about transformer.
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