Motor is a device that rotates when electric current gives to it.the working of electric motor is very simple.
1.the main principal is solenoid effect it explains, when a copper wire is bended like a coil then we supply dc current to two ends of copper coil ,it acts like a magnet.this magnet have same like north and south pole.

2.we know that when we place magnets''north and north pole one infront of another(N-----N) it repulse '' (or) when we place ''north and south pole together one infront of another(N-----S) it attracts'' this is the principal used in dc motor


 Parts:1 horse shoe magnet
            2 copper coil
            3 slip rings
            4 brushes
            5 battery

Magnets are placed one infront of another like   NORTH----------NORTH between these north and north magnets we place copper coil with two ends ,connect power to the two ends of copper wire, it starts moving..

Working:- Due to solenoid effect the electric power enter to two ends of the copper wire it converts into magnet,since magnet has north and south pole.The north pole of magnet and south pole of copper coil gets repuses and moves towards ''but the problem is when it moves towards again it gets south and south  so it repulse backwards ''_to reduce this we use slip rings_''.

SLIPRINGS: this is the important thing in motor.this is one of the best briliance that is the strucutre of slip rings has you see in the figure it has a gap between the ring,it is a insulator for stoping the current at the point and meets other point that is nort it gets reflected this is the working of sliprings.
This is the working of the electric motor..

Thank you........

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